
How do I get more pictures of my book on my Amazon KDP listing?

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How do I get more pictures of my book on my Amazon KDP listing?

When you browse Amazon do you notice that some books have more than the standard thumbnail image? Do you find yourself wondering ‘How can I get more pictures of my book on Amazon?
In this post I will run through all the different types of pictures that can appear on an Amazon book listing and explain which you can and can’t do on Amazon KDP.

The Look Inside Feature

What is the ‘Look Inside’ feature? The ‘Look Inside’ feature shows up on most books on Amazon. Above the book thumbnail on the book detail page there is an orange and blue icon which says ‘Look Inside’ (shown on the left of the image above.) When you click on this icon it opens up a scroll-able preview of the book interior.

How do I get the Look Inside feature on my books?

The good news is you don’t need to do anything to get the ‘Look Inside’ ‘feature in your books. The Look Inside’ feature appears automatically on your Amazon book listing. You don’t need to email KDP or do anything to request it.
You do however, need to be patient…… sometimes very patient! Amazon state that it may take 9-10 business days for the ‘Look Inside’ feature to appear. Sometimes it can be quicker, sometimes it can be much longer – there was a period of about 6 weeks in 2021 when the ‘Look Inside’ feature was ‘broken’ and new titles were not being added!

How do I change what is shown on the ‘Look Inside’ for my books?

 The default percentage of your book changes depending on the format of your book. Newly published eBooks will show 10% of your book by default, while your paperback and hardcover books will show 20% in the Look Inside feature.  The good news is that you can adjust this amount- with a few limitations. For paperback and hardcover books you can request to increase the amount shown in 10% increments and for eBooks in 5% increments. The amount shown cannot be adjusted for books in landscape, or right-to-left orientation and you can’t choose which pages to show (you need A+ Content for that instead!)

TypeDefault PercentageMinimumMaximum

Fixed layout / Reflowable (eBook)

Print replica (eBook)

Paperback and hardcover

Why do some books have more than two images on the ‘Look Inside?

Because they aren’t KDP books. As a publisher publishing through KDP you can only have 2 images under the thumbnail and these are the front and back covers.
There are lots of other ways to sell things on Amazon – including books. If you want to print in bulk or through a different print on demand provider and set up a seller central account on Amazon then there are more options available. However, there are costs associated with all other methods of selling on Amazon. So unless you are experienced publisher and know your books will sell from the off it really isn’t worth it – especially we now have A+ content to really showcase our books.

So as a KDP publisher how do I get more images on my book listing?

So as a KDP publisher what can you do to get more images?
The answer is A+ Content- or Enhanced Brand Content. This became available to KDP publishers in the summer of 2021 and gives us much more control over showcasing our books.
A+ Content can be found on the Amazon detail page in a section with the heading ‘From The Publisher’
You are allowed to choose up to five content blocks and include pictures and text as you wish. This is brilliant as it allows you to show off particular pages of the book and you have full control over what is shown. The only thing you can’t do is add video!
Read my full article ‘The Ultimate Guide To A+ Content’ here.

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