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    How do I get more pictures of my book on my Amazon KDP listing?

    How do I get more pictures of my book on my Amazon KDP listing? When you browse Amazon do you notice that some books have more than the standard thumbnail image? Do you find yourself wondering ‘How can I get more pictures of my book on Amazon?In this post I will run through all the different types of pictures that can appear on an Amazon book listing and explain which you can and can’t do on Amazon KDP. The Look Inside Feature What is the ‘Look Inside’ feature? The ‘Look Inside’ feature shows up on most books on Amazon. Above the book thumbnail on the book detail page there is…

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  • Is Tangent Templates worth it? Tangent templates review
    Low Content Book Publishing,  Resources,  Uncategorized

    Is Tangent Templates worth it? Tangent Templates Review.

    Is Tangent Templates worth it? My Tangent Templates review It was one of the first tools I paid for, but is Tangent Templates worth it? I should start by saying that Tangent Templates is a one off fee ($59 when I purchased) which was really important to me when I decided to purchase as I was right at the beginning of my KDP journey and didn’t want to get locked in to a subscription. Also, they don’t usually do crazy price crashes for Black Friday or have an affiliate program to fund from the purchase price. The price is the price and it is amazingly good value. This isn’t an…

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    My Tools: Essential tools for making money online

    My essential tools for making money online I love hearing about the tools, software and courses that others use. When I first started out I pretty much used free tools, but as soon as I started earning some income in invested that into tools that made my work easier and more efficient. Today I use a mixture of paid and free tools. Tools For Low Content Publishing CANVA – I use Canva to create all my book covers, printables and templates that I sell on Etsy. I couldn’t manage without it. They have a free account which is great when you are just starting, but a Canva Pro account was…

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    About Me

    Welcome to The Flexipreneur I am Catherine, aka ‘The Flexipreneur’ and this is where I share my tips and tricks for making money online. I have fingers in many pies- but my main income comes from self publishing on Amazon KDP and selling digital downloads on Etsy. How did I get started?I have run my own business for a very long time, but when the dreaded Covid struck it was a real struggle. I couldn’t operate because of all the restrictions, and it would have been pretty impossible anyway with three children, a new puppy and homeschooling……. but I was reliant on that income and needed to do something (anything)…

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