Canva keyboard shortcuts for windows text on light keyboard background
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75 Canva keyboard shortcuts for Windows

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75 Canva keyboard shortcuts for Windows computers

Did you know there are loads of hidden Canva keyboard shortcuts?

Here’s a list of my favourite Canva keyboard shortcuts for Windows- including one secret Canva hack that might just blow your mind!
Make sure you save this list of Canva shortcuts so you can find it when you need it. Knowing just a few keyboard shortcuts can seriously speed up the design process and supercahrge your productivity.
Ready? Let’s dive straight in!
Here is my full list of Canva keyboard shortcuts for Windows!

  • Copy: Ctrl-C
  • Paste: Ctrl-V
  • Duplicate: Select the element and Ctrl-D
  • Quick copy: Alt+ drag into new position
  • Select all elements: Ctrl A
  • Add a line: L
  • Add a rectangle: R
  • Add a circle: C
  • Add a text box:
  • Bold text: Ctrl-B
  • Italicise text: Ctrl-I 
  • Underline text: Ctrl-U
  • Convert to uppercase letters: Ctrl-Shift-K 
Canva keyboard shortcuts (Source: Canva)
  • Left align text: Shift-Ctrl-L
  • Centre align text: Shift-Ctrl-C
  • Anchor text to the top of text box: Shift-Ctrl-H
  • Anchor text to the middle of text box: Shift-Ctrl-M
  • Anchor text to the bottom of text box: Shift-Ctrl-B
  • Decrease font size by one point: Shift-Ctrl-,
  • Increase font size by one point: Shift-Ctrl-.
  • Decrease line spacing: Alt-Ctrl-Down
  • Increase line spacing: Alt-Ctrl-Up
  • Decrease letter spacing: Alt-Ctrl-,
  • Increase letter spacing: Alt-Ctrl-.
  • Tidy up: Alt-Shift-T
  • Copy text style: Ctrl-Alt-C
  • Paste text style: Ctrl-Alt-V
  • Deselect an element: Esc
  • Select all elements: Ctrl-A 
  • Save: Ctrl + S
Canva keyboard shortcuts (Source: Canva)
  • Delete Selection Content: Backspace or Delete
  • Move an element in increments: select the element and click the< > arrows
  • Move an element in larger increments: select the element, hold Shift, and click the <>arrows
  • Bring element forward: select the element and click Ctrl+ ]
  • Send element backward: select the element and click Ctrl+ [
  • Send element to the very back: select element and click Alt-Ctrl-[
  • Bring element to the very front: select element and click Alt-Ctrl-]
  • Select an element behind an element: select the front element, hold Ctrl, and keep clicking until you reach the element at the back
  • Group elements: select the elements and click Ctrl-G
  • Un-group elements: Shift-Ctrl-G
  • Move multiple elements (not grouped): select element, hold Shift, select the other elements, and drag them
  • Constrain proportions while resizing: select the element/s, hold Shift, and drag corners to resize
  • View an element’s distance from other elements and from the edges: select an element, press Alt, and move your cursor
Canva keyboard shortcuts (Source: Canva)
  • Zoom in: Ctrl(+)
  • Zoom out: Ctrl (-)
  • Zoom to actual size: Ctrl-0
  • Zoom to fit: Alt-Ctrl-0
  • Zoom to fill: Shift-Ctrl-0
  • Undo an Action: Ctrl-Z
  • Redo an Action: Ctrl-Shift-Z
  • Add a comment: Alt-Ctrl-M
  • Next comment: N
  • Previous comment: Shift-N
  • Present in full screen mode: Alt-Ctrl-P
  • Exit from full screen mode: Esc
Canva keyboard shortcuts (Source: Canva)
  • Mute or unmute video: M
  • Loop video: Alt-Shift-L
  • Play or pause video: Space bar
  • Presentations: Q to shush crowd
  • Presentations: D for drumroll
  • Presentations: C for confetti
  • Presentations: O for bubbles
  • Presentations: B to blur presentation
  • Collapse sidebar: Ctrl + /
  • Enter scrolling view: Alt-Ctrl-1
  • Enter thumbnail view: Alt-Ctrl-2
  • Enter grid view: Alt-Ctrl-3
  • Navigate to the toolbar: Alt-F1
  • Lock / unlock: Alt-Shift-L
  • Show guides: Ctrl-;
  • Show Rulers: Shift-R
  • Add an empty page: Ctrl-Enter
  • Delete empty page: Ctrl-Backspace
Canva Magic. The secret Canva hack that no one knows!
  • I saved the best for last- the secret Canva hack no one seems to know about! Canva Magic!!
  • CANVA MAGIC! Simply hit ? or / anywhere in your document
    (try it and see- this might be the only shortcut you need!)

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